Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2018

"Ur Circle" decrease ur social circle

       i took that pict from google, just search "friend is bullshit" walaa, there u got. hmm mungkin ini agak subjektif sedikit but i try buat se objektif mungkin.

Okay mungkin ada tanya why the hell that i choose this title to my recent post? hmm, simple answer, i just wondering why and my mind somehow ask, why someone following each other when their do the same thing, "but sacrifice" their social circle like..hmm...

Dan mungkin gue juga termasuk orang yang berpikir bahwa BFF never exist, i doubt that best friend is exist too.

1. Kenapa gw bilang gitu? based on my experience, teman itu muncul ketika lu punya kelebihan, dan ketika kelebihan lo itu sama, maka boom walaa, lu berada di circle lu sendiri

2. kalo udah punya circle sendiri? sadar ga sadar lu bakal menjauh dari hmm let say temen yang emang udah lebih lama temenan ama lu, buat ngambil ke arah circle baru lu tersebut

3. kalo udah ada circle baru? yaaa, social circle lu otomatis akan di decrease sama lu sendiri.

jadi what is a real friend mean? kalo buat gw, i don't believe friend, just human relation, tapi kadang human relation yang di indikasikan sebagai friend itu ribet juga wkwkwk, u got hurt by them, somehow u feel happy, u sad...yaa, it's totally complicated
  trus kalo ada yang nanya, lu believe siapa? God(for me)
  believe me, lu curhat to ur god itu menenangkan, really is. rasanya plong aja gitu

gada kesimpulan gw curhat doang wkwkwk, mungkin ada sama or different with me, put that in comment section box below wkwkwk, SEE YA!

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